Airlines & Country

Airline Two Letter Code and Country it Belongs.

Code. Prefix. Name. Country.
0B JOR Blue Air (Romania) Blue Transport
0D DWT Darwin Airline (Switzerland) Darwin
0J JCS Jetclub (Switzerland) Jetclub
0V VFC VASCO Vietnam Air Service Company (Vietnam) Vasco
1B BGH BH Air (Bulgaria) Balkan Holidays
1I AMB Deutsche Rettungsflugwacht (Germany) Civil Air Ambulance
1I EJA Netjets (USA) Execjet
1I NVR Novair/Nova Airlines (Sweden) Navigator
1T BUC Bulgarian Air Charter (Bulgaria) Bulgarian Charter
2A DBB Deutsche Bahn (Germany)
2C TGV SNCF (France)
2D OST Alania Airlines (Russia) Alania
2E PHW (United Arab Emirates) Phoenix Sharjah
2F FTA Frontier Alaska/Frontier Flying Service (USA) Frontier Air
2F IRP Payam/IPTAS (Iran) Payamair
2I SRU Star Peru (Peru) Star Up
2J VBW Air Burkina (Burkina Faso) Burkina
2K GLG Aerogal Aerolineas Galapagos (Ecuador) Aerogal
2L OAW Helvetic Airways (Switzerland) Helvetic
2M MDV Moldavian Airlines (Moldova) Moldavian
2N NTJ Nextjet (Sweden) Nextjet
2N UMK Yuzmashavia (Ukraine) Yuzmash
2P GAP Air Philippines (Philippines) Orient Pacific
2Q ETS Avitrans/Flygtransporter I Nykoping (Sweden) Extrans
2Q SNC Air Cargo Carriers (USA) Night Cargo
2R VRR VIA Rail Canada (Canada)
2S SDY Island Express (USA) Sandy Isle
2T ANH Alajnihah Airways (Libya) Alajnihah
2W WLC Welcome Air (Austria) Welcome Air
2Z CGN Changan Airlines (China) Changan
3C CMV Calima Aviacion (Spain) Calima
3D APG Air People International (Thailand) Air People
3H AIE Air Inuit (Canada) Air Inuit
3K JSA Jetstar Asia Airways (Singapore) Jetstar Asia
3L ISK Intersky (Austria) Intersky
3M GFT Gulfstream International Airlines (USA) Gulf Flight
3N URG Air Urga (Ukraine) Urga
3O MAC Air Arabia Maroc (Morocco) Nawras
3P TNM Tiara Air (Aruba) Tiara
3R GAI Moskovia Airlines (Russia) Gromov Airline
3S AEN Aeroland Airways (Greece) Aeroland
3S BOX AeroLogic (Germany) German Cargo
3S GUY Air Guyane Express/Air Antilles Express (French Guiana) Green Bird
T URN Turan Air (Azerbaijan) Turan
3U CSC Sichuan Airlines (China) Si Chuan
3V TAY TNT Airways (Belgium) Quality
3X JAC Japan Air Commuter (Japan) Commuter
3Y KAE Kartika Airlines (Indonesia) Kartika
3Y XBO Baseops International (USA)
3Z VTS Everts Air/Tatonduk Outfitters (USA) Everts
3Z ZAW Zoom Airways (Bangladesh) Zed Air
4A AGS Air Go Airlines (Greece) Airgo Cargo
4A AKL Air Kiribati (Kiribati)
4A EYE FS Air Service (USA) Sockeye
4B PAG Perimeter Aviation (Canada) Perimeter
4B TUP Aviastar-Tu Co. (Russia) Tupolev Air
4C ARE Aires (Colombia) Aires
4C CGK Click Airways (United Arab Emirates) Click Air
4D ASD Air Sinai (Egypt) Air Sinai
4G GZP Gazpromavia (Russia) Gazprom
4H UBD United Airways (Bangladesh) United Bangladesh
4I IZM Izair (Turkey) Izmir
4J NWZ Nationwide Airlines Zambia (Zambia) Zamnat
4J SMR Somon Air (Tajikistan) Somon Air
4K AAS Askari Aviation (Pakistan) Al Aas
4K KBA Kenn Borek Air (Canada) Borek Air
4L MJX Euroline (Georgia) Geo Line
4M DSM LAN Argentina (Argentina) Lan Ar
4N ANT Air North Charter (Canada) Air North
4O AIJ Interjet/ABC Aerolineas (Mexico) ABC Aerolineas
4O IWD Orbest Orizonia Airlines (Spain) Iberworld
4P SBO Stabo Air (Zambia) Stabair
4Q AEI Air Poland (Poland) Polish Bird
4Q SFW Safi Airways (United Arab Emirates) Safi Airways
4R NTA Northern Thunderbird Air (Canada) Thunderbird
4T BHP Belair Airlines (Switzerland) Belair
4U GWI Germanwings (Germany) Germanwings
4W AJK Allied Air Cargo (Nigeria) Bambi
4W WAV Warbelow’s Air Ventures (USA) Warbelow
4X MEC Air Mercury/Mercury Air Cargo (USA) Mercair
4Y TUD Flight Alaska (USA) Tundra
4Z LNK Airlink (South Africa) Link
5A AIP Alpine Air Express (USA) Alpine Air
5B EAK Euro Asia Air International (Kazakhstan) Eakaz
5B NCH Chanchangi Airlines Nigeria (Nigeria) Chanchangi
5C ICL CAL Cargo Air Lines/Cavei Avir Levitanim (Israel) Cal
5C NRR Nature Air (Costa Rica) Nature Air
5D SLI Aeromexico Connect (Mexico) Costera
5E EKA Equaflight Service (Congo) Equaflight
5F CIR Arctic Circle Air Service (USA) Air Arctic
5H FFV Fly540/Five Forty Aviation (Kenya) Swift Tango
5J CEB Cebu Pacific Air (Philippines) Cebu Air
5K HFY Hifly (Portugal) Sky Flyer
5K ODS Odessa Airlines (Ukraine) Odessa Air
5M MEG Mega Maldives (Maldives) Sandbar
5N AUL Nordavia (Russia) Archangelsk Air
5O FPO Europe Airpost (France) French Post
5Q BQB BQB Lineas Aereas (Uruguay)
5R KAJ Karthago Airlines (Tunisia) Karthago
5S PSV Servicios Aereos Profesionales (Dominican Rep.) Proservicios
5T MPE Canadian North (Canada) Empress
5U CHG Challenge Aero (Ukraine) Sky Challenger
5U LDE LADE Lineas Aereas del Estado (Argentina) Lade
5V UKW Lviv Airlines/Lvov Airlines (Ukraine) Ukraine West
5X UPS UPS Airlines/United Parcel Service (USA) UPS
5Y GTI Atlas Air (USA) Giant
5Y IOS Isles of Scilly Skybus (United Kingdom) Scillonia
5Z BML Bismillah Airlines (Bangladesh) Bismillah
6B BLX TUIfly Nordic (Sweden) Bluescan
6D PAS Pelita Air Service (Indonesia) Pelita
6E IGO IndiGo Airlines (India) Ifly
6F FAO Falcon Air Express (USA) Panther
6F FRJ Afrijet Airlines (Nigeria) Afrijet
6F MKD MAT Airways (Macedonia) Matairways
6H ISR Israir (Israel) Israir
6I IBZ International Business Air (Sweden) Interbiz
6I VVA Aviast (Russia) Ialsi
6J JBW Jubba Airways (Kenya) Airjub
6J SNJ Skynet Asia Airways (Japan) Newsky
6L AKK Aklak Air (Canada) Aklak
6R DRU Alrosa Mirny Air Enterprise (Russia) Mirny
6R TNO Aerounion/Aerotransporte de Carga Union (Mexico) Aero Union
6T LMT Almaty Aviation (Kazakhstan) Almaty
6U ACX ACG Air Cargo Germany (Germany) Loadmaster
6W SOV Saravia Saratov Airlines (Russia) Saratov Air
6Y LTC SmartLynx Airlines (Latvia) Latcharter
7C COY Coyne Airways (United Kingdom) Coyne Air
7C JJA Jeju Air (Korea – Rep. of) Jeju Air
7D UDC Donbassaero Airlines (Ukraine) Donbass Aero
7E AWU Sylt Air (Germany) Sylt-Air
7F FAB First Air (Canada) First Air
7G SFJ StarFlyer (Japan) Starflyer
7H CAI Corendon Airlines (Turkey) Corendon
7H ERH ERA Aviation (USA) Erah
7I CSV Coastal Travel Limited (Tanzania) Coastal Travel
7I INC Insel Air (Curacao) Inselair
7J TJK Tajik Air (Tajikistan) Tajik Air
7K KGL Kolavia/Kogalymavia Airlines (Russia) Kogalym
7L CRN Aero Caribbean (Cuba) Aerocaribbean
7M AAG Air Atlantique (United Kingdom) Atlantic
7P BTV Batavia Air (Indonesia) Batavia
7Q TLR Air Libya (Libya) Air Libya
7S RYA Arctic Transportation Services/Ryan Air Services (USA) Ryan Air
7T AGV Air Glaciers (Switzerland) Air Glaciers
7T RTM Aero Express Del Ecuador (Ecuador) Aero Transam
7T TOB Tobruk Air Transport and Cargo (Libya) Tobruk Air
7U ERG Aviaenergo (Russia) Aviaenergo
7W WRC Wind Rose Aviation (Ukraine) Windrose
7Y AGO Angola Air Charter (Angola) Angola Charter
7Y NYL Mid Airlines (Sudan) Nile
8C ATN Air Transport International ATI (USA) Air Transport
8D EXV Expo Aviation (Sri Lanka) Expo Avia
8E BRG Bering Air (USA) Bering Air
8F STP STP Airways (Sao Tome and Principe) Saotome Airways
8H HFR Heli France (France) Helifrance
8L LKE Lucky Air (China) Lucky Air
8L RHC Redhill Aviation (United Kingdom) Redair
8M MMA Myanmar Airways International (Myanmar) Myanmar
8N NKF Barents AirLink/Nordkalottflyg (Sweden) Nordflight
8P PCO Pacific Coastal Airlines (Canada) Pasco
8Q BAJ Baker Aviation (USA) Baker Aviation
8Q OHY Onur Air (Turkey) Onur Air
8R OLS Sol Lineas Aereas (Argentina) Flight Sol
8U AAW Afriqiyah Airways (Libya) Afriqiyah
8V ACP Astral Aviation (Kenya) Astral Cargo
8W PWF Private Wings Flugcharter (Germany) Private Wings
8Y CYZ China Postal Airlines (China) China Post
8Y GGE EGA Ecuato Guineana de Aviacion (Equatorial Guinea) Ecuato
9C WDA Wimbi Dira Airways (Congo – Democratic Rep.) Wimbi Dira
9D THE Toumai Air Tchad (Chad) Toumai Air
9E FLG Pinnacle Airlines (USA) Flagship
9G PGP Perm Airlines (Russia) Perm Air
9H DNL Dutch Antilles Express (Curacao) Dutch Antilles
9J DAN Dana Air (Nigeria) Danaco
9K KAP Cape Air (USA) Cair
9M GLR Central Mountain Air (Canada) Glacier
9N AJV ANA & JP Express (Japan) Ayjay Cargo
9N NSE SATENA (Colombia) Satena
9R VAP Phuket Air (Thailand) Phuket Air
9S CQH Spring Airlines (China) Air Spring
9S SOO Southern Air (USA) Southern Air
9T ABS Transwest Air (Canada) Athabaska
9T RUN ACT Airlines (Turkey) Cargo Turk
9U MLD Air Moldova (Moldova) Air Moldova
9V AMV AMC Airlines (Egypt)
9V ROI Avior Airlines (Venezuela) Avior
9W JAI Jet Airways (India) Jet Airways
9X AXY New Axis Airways (France) Axis
A2 CIU Cielos Airlines (Peru) Cielos
A3 AEE Aegean Airlines (Greece) Aegean
A5 RLA Airlinair (France) Airlinair
A6 LPV Air Alps (Austria) Alpav
A8 BGL Benin Golf Air (Benin) Benin Golf
A9 TGZ Georgian Airways/Air Zena (Georgia) Tamazi
AA AAL American Airlines (USA) American
AB BER Air Berlin (Germany) Air Berlin
AC ACA Air Canada (Canada) Air Canada
AD AZU Azul Linhas Aereas Brasileiras (Brazil) Azul
AE MDA Mandarin Airlines (Taiwan) Mandarin
AF AFR Air France (France) Airfrans
AG ABR Air Contractors (Ireland) Contract
AH DAH Air Algerie (Algeria) Air Algerie
AI AIA Airmark Indonesia (Indonesia) Airmark
AI AIC Air India (India) Air India
AJ NIG Aero Contractors (Nigeria) Aeroline
AK AXM AirAsia (Malaysia) Asian Express
AL TXC Transaviaexport Cargo Airline (Belarus) Transexport
AM AMX Aeromexico (Mexico) Aeromexico
AP ADH Air One Smart Carrier (Italy) Heron
AR ARG Aerolineas Argentinas (Argentina) Argentina
AS ASA Alaska Airlines (USA) Alaska
AT RAM Royal Air Maroc (Morocco) Royalair Maroc
AU AUT Austral Lineas Aereas (Argentina) Austral
AV AVA Avianca (Colombia) Avianca
AW AWN Air Niamey (Niger) Air Niamey
AW SCH CHC Airways (Netherlands) Schreiner
AX LOF Trans States Airlines (USA) Waterski
AY FIN Finnair (Finland) Finnair
AZ AZA Alitalia (Italy) Alitalia
B2 BRU Belavia (Belarus) Belarus Avia
B4 BCF BACH Flugbetriebs (Austria) Bach
B4 BKA Bankair (USA) Bankair
B5 EXZ East African Safari Air Express (Kenya) Twiga
B6 JBU JetBlue Airways {Jet Blue} (USA) Jetblue
B7 UIA UNI Airways Corporation (Taiwan) Glory
B8 ERT Eritrean Airlines (Eritrea) Eritrean
B9 IRB Iran Air Tours (Iran)
BA BAW British Airways (United Kingdom) Speedbird
BA SHT British Airways Shuttle (United Kingdom) Shuttle
BB SBS Seaborne Airlines (Virgin Islands – USA) Seaborne
BC SKY Skymark Airlines (Japan) Skymark
BE BEE flybe (United Kingdom) Jersey
BE FCM flybe Nordic/Finnish Commuter Airlines (Finland) Finncomm
BF BBD Bluebird Cargo (Iceland) Blue Cargo
BF RSR Aero-Service (Congo) Congoserv
BG BBC Biman Bangladesh (Bangladesh) Bangladesh
BH BHA Hawkair (Canada) Hawk
BI RBA Royal Brunei Airlines (Brunei Darussalam) Brunei
BJ BRJ Borajet (Turkey) Bora Jet
BJ LBT Nouvelair (Tunisia) Nouvelair
BK OKA Okay Airways (China) Okayjet
BL PIC Jetstar Pacific Airlines (Vietnam) Pacific
BM BMR bmi Regional (United Kingdom) Kittiwake
BN BAB Bahrain Air (Bahrain) Bahrain Air
BP BOT Air Botswana (Botswana) Botswana
BQ BBV Bravo Airlines (Spain) Bravo Europa
BR EVA EVA Airways Corporation (Taiwan) Eva
BS BIH British International Helicopters (United Kingdom) Brintel
BT BTI Air Baltic (Latvia) Air Baltic
BV BPA Blue Panorama Airlines/Blu-Express (Italy) Blue Panorama
BW BWA Caribbean Airlines/Air Jamaica (Trinidad and Tobago) Caribbean Airlines
BX ABL Air Busan (Korea – Rep. of) Air Busan
BY TOM Thomson Airways (United Kingdom) Tomson
BZ BBG Bluebird Airways (Greece) Candia Bird
BZ BDA Blue Dart Aviation (India) Blue Dart
BZ KEE Keystone Air Service (Canada) Keystone
C2 CEL CEIBA Intercontinental (Equatorial Guinea) Ceiba Line
C3 KIS Contact Air (Germany) Contactair
C4 IMX Zimex Aviation (Switzerland) Zimex
C5 UCA Commutair (USA) Commutair
C6 CJA CanJet (Canada) Canjet
C7 UZS Samarkand Airways (Uzbekistan) Sogdiana
CA CAO Air China Cargo (China) Airchina Freight
CA CCA Air China (China) Air China
CB SAY Scot Airways (United Kingdom) Suckling
CC ABD Air Atlanta Icelandic (Iceland) Atlanta
CD LLR Air India Regional (India) Allied
CF SDR City Airline (Sweden) Swedestar
CG TOK Airlines PNG/Airlines of Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
CH BMJ Bemidji Airlines (USA) Bemidji
CI CAL China Airlines (Taiwan) Dynasty
CJ CFE BA CityFlyer Express (United Kingdom) Flyer
CK CKK China Cargo Airlines (China) Cargo King
CL CLH Lufthansa Cityline (Germany) Hansa Line
CL CLW LOT Charters (Poland) Central Wings
CM CMP Copa Airlines (Panama) Copa
CN GDC Grand China Air (China) Grand China
CP CPZ Compass Airlines (USA) Compass Rose
CQ EXL Sunshine Express Airlines (Australia)
CS CMI Continental Micronesia (Guam) Air Mike
CT CYL Alitalia CityLiner (Italy) Cityliner
CU CUB Cubana de Aviacion (Cuba) Cubana
CV CLX Cargolux (Luxembourg) Cargolux
CV CVA Air Chathams (New Zealand) Chatham
CW MRS Air Marshall Islands (Marshall Islands) Marshall Islands
CX CPA Cathay Pacific Airways (Hong Kong) Cathay
CY CYP Cyprus Airways (Cyprus) Cyprus
CZ CSN China Southern Airlines (China) China Southern
D0 DHK DHL Air UK/DHL Air Ltd (United Kingdom) Eurotrans
D2 SSF Severstal Aircompany (Russia) Severstal
D3 DAO Daallo Airlines (Djibouti) Dalo Airlines
D4 LID Alidaunia (Italy) Alida
D5 DAE DHL Aero Expreso (Panama) Yellow
D6 ILN Inter Air (South Africa) Inline
D7 XAX AirAsia X (Malaysia) Xanadu
D9 DNV Donavia (Russia) Donavia
DB BZH Brit Air (France) Britair
DC GAO Golden Air (Sweden) Golden
DD NOK Nok Air (Thailand) Nok Air
DE CFG Condor Airlines (Germany) Condor
DF DER Beijing Capital Airlines (China) Deer Jet
DG SRQ South East Asian Airlines (Philippines) Seair
DJ VOZ Virgin Australia Airlines (Australia) Virgin
DJ PBN Virgin Samoa (Samoa) Bluebird
DK VKG Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia (Denmark) Viking
DL DAL Delta Air Lines (USA) Delta
DN SGG Senegal Airlines (USA) Senegal Air
DO RVL Air Vallee (Italy) Air Vallee
DQ CXT Coastal Air Transport (USA) Coastal
DS EZS easyJet Switzerland (Switzerland) Top Swiss
DT DTA TAAG Angola Airlines (Angola) DTA
DV VSV Scat Air/PLL Scat Aircompany (Kazakhstan) Vlasta
DW UCR Aero Charter Ukraine (Ukraine) Charter Ukraine
DX DTR DAT Danish Air Transport (Denmark) Danish
DY NAX Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norway) Nor Shuttle
E5 RBG Air Arabia Egypt (Egypt) Arabia Egypt
E7 ESF Estafeta Carga Aerea (Mexico) Estafeta
EB PLM Pullmantur Air (Spain) Pullmantur
EC BOS OpenSkies (United Kingdom) Mistral
EC TWN Avialeasing Aviation Company (Uzbekistan) Twin Arrow
ED ABQ Airblue (Pakistan) Airblue
EF ESY EasyFly (Colombia) Easy Fly
EG ENJ Enerjet (Canada) Enerjet Air
EH AKX ANA Wings (Japan) Alfa Wing
EI EIN Aer Lingus (Ireland) Shamrock
EJ NEA New England Airlines (USA) New England
EK UAE Emirates (United Arab Emirates) Emirates
EL ANK Air Nippon (Japan) Ank Air
EM AEB Aero Benin (Benin) Aeroben
M CFS Empire Airlines (USA) Empire Air
EN DLA Air Dolomiti (Italy) Dolomiti
EO LHN Express One International (USA) Longhorn
EP IRC Iran Asseman Airlines (Iran)
EQ TAE TAME (Ecuador) Tame
ES DHX SNAS/DHL/DHL International Aviation ME (Bahrain) Dilmun
ET ETH Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia) Ethiopian
EU UEA Chengdu Airlines (China) Hibiscus City
EV ASQ Atlantic Southeast Airlines (USA) Acey
EW EWG Eurowings (Germany) Eurowings
EY EFL Eagle Air (Tanzania) Flying Eagle
EY ETD Etihad Airways (United Arab Emirates) Etihad
EZ EIA Evergreen International Airlines (USA) Evergreen
EZ SUS Sun Air of Scandinavia (Denmark) Sun Scan
F3 FSW Faso Airways (Burkina Faso) Faso
F3 FXL Fly Excellent (Sweden) Fly Excellent
3 SGB Sky King (USA) Songbird
F4 SHQ Shanghai Airlines Cargo (China) Shanghai Cargo
F7 BBO Flybaboo (Switzerland) Baboo
F7 VRE Volare Airlines (Ukraine) Ukraine Volare
F8 FRL Freedom Airlines (USA) Freedom Air
F9 FFT Frontier Airlines (USA) Frontier Flight
FA SFR Safair (South Africa) Cargo
FB LZB Bulgaria Air (Bulgaria) Flying Bulgaria
FC FCX Falcon Express Cargo Airlines (United Arab Emirates) Falcon Cargo
FD AIQ Thai AirAsia (Thailand) Thai Asia
FG AFG Ariana Afghan Airlines (Afghanistan) Ariana
FI ICE Icelandair (Iceland) Ice Air
FJ FJI Air Pacific (Fiji) Pacific
FJ FJA Pacific Sun/Fiji Airlines Pac Sun
FK WTA Africa West Airlines (Togo) West Togo
FL TRS Airtran Airways (USA) Citrus
FM CSH Shanghai Airlines (China) Shanghai Air
FN RGL Royal Air Maroc Express/Regional Airlines (Morocco) Maroc Regional
FO ATM Airlines of Tasmania (Australia) Air Tas
FO FXX Felix Airways (Yemen)
FP FPG TAG Aviation (Switzerland) Tag Aviation
FP FRE Freedom Air/Aviation Services (Guam) Freedom
FQ BRI Brindabella Airlines (Australia) Brindabella
FQ TCW Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium (Belgium) Thomas Cook
FR RYR Ryanair (Ireland) Ryanair
FS ACL ItAli Airlines (Italy) Itali
FV SDM Rossiya Russian Airlines (Russia) Russia
FW FRI Ibex Airlines (Japan) Ibex
FX FDX FedEx Express/Federal Express (USA) Fedex
FY FFM Firefly (Malaysia) Firefly
FY NWR Northwest Regional Airlines (Australia)
FZ FDB Flydubai (United Arab Emirates) Sky Dubai
G2 VXG Avirex Gabon (Gabon) Avirex Gabon
G3 GLO GOL Transportes Aereos (Brazil) Gol Transporte
G4 AAY Allegiant Air (USA) Allegiant
G4 GZD Grizodubova Air Company (Russia) Grizodubova Air
G5 HXA China Express Airlines (China) China Express
G7 GJS GoJet Airlines (USA) Lindbergh
G8 ENK Enkor (Russia) Enkor
G8 GOW GoAir (India) Go Air
G9 ABY Air Arabia (United Arab Emirates) Arabia
GA GIA Garuda Indonesia (Indonesia) Indonesia
GC GCB Lina Congo (Congo) Linacongo
GC GNR Gambia International Airlines (Gambia) Gambia International
GE TNA TransAsia Airways (Taiwan) Trans Asia
GF GFA Gulf Air (Bahrain) Gulf Air
GH GLP Globus (Russia) Globus
GI IKA Itek-Air (Kyrgyzstan) Itek Air
GJ CDC CDI Cargo Airlines (China) Gualong
GL GRL Air Greenland (Denmark) Greenlandair
GO KZU ULS Airlines Cargo Transport (Turkey) Universal Cargo
GP GDR Gadair European Airlines (Spain) Gadair Lines
GP GES Gestair (Spain) Gestair
GQ SEH Sky Express (Greece) Air Crete
GR AUR Aurigny Air Services (United Kingdom) Ayline
GS GCR Tianjin Airlines (China) China Dragon
GX JXX Primera Air (Iceland) Jetbird
GY GBK Gabon Airlines (Gabon) Gabon Airlines
GY TMG Tri-MG Intra Asia Airlines (Indonesia) Trilines
H2 SKU Sky Airline (Chile) Aerosky
H4 HLI Heli Securite Helicopter Airlines (France) Heli Saint Tropez
H5 RSY I-Fly (Russia) Russian Sky
H6 HAG Hageland Aviation Services (USA) Hageland
H7 EGU Eagle Air (Uganda) African Eagle
HA HAL Hawaiian Airlines (USA) Hawaiian
HD ADO Hokkaido International Airlines/Air Do (Japan) Air Do
HE LGW LGW Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter (Germany) Walter
HF VRE Air Côte d’Ivoire (Cote d’Ivoire)
HG NLY Niki (Austria) Flyniki
HJ TMN Tasman Cargo Airlines (Australia) Tasman
HK FSC Four Star Air Cargo (Virgin Islands – USA) Four Star
HK HAY Hamburg Airways (Germany) Hamburg Airways
HM SEY Air Seychelles (Seychelles) Seychelles
HN HVY HeavyLift Cargo Airlines (Australia) Heavy Cargo
HN PTH Proteus Helicopteres (France) Proteus
HO DKH Juneyao Airlines (China) Air Juneyao
HR HHN Hahn Air (Germany) Rooster
HS HSV Svenska Direktflyg (Sweden) Highswede
HT IMP Hellenic Imperial Airways (Greece) Imperial
HU CHH Hainan Airlines (China) Hainan
HV TRA Airlines (Netherlands) Transavia
HW NWL North-Wright Airways (Canada) Northwright
HX CRK Hong Kong Airlines (Hong Kong) Bauhinia
HY UZB Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan) Uzbek
HZ SHU SAT Sakhalin Airlines/Sakhalinskie Aviatrassy (Russia) Satair
I4 FWA Interstate Airlines (Netherlands) Freewayair
I5 CMM Air Mali (Mali) Camali
I6 SEQ Sky Eyes (Thailand) Sky Eyes
I9 AEY Air Italy (Italy) Air Italy
IA IAW Iraqi Airways (Iraq) Iraqi
IB IBE Iberia (Spain) Iberia
IE SOL Solomon Airlines (Solomon Islands) Solomon
IG EEZ Eurofly (Italy) E-Fly
IG ISS Meridiana Fly (Italy) Merair
IH MZA Irtysh Air (Kazakhstan) Azamat
II CSQ IBC Airways (USA) Chasqui
IJ GWL Great Wall Airlines (China) Great Wall
IM MNJ Menajet (Lebanon) Menajet
IQ AUB Augsburg Airways (Germany) Augsburg Air
IR IRA Iran Air (Iran) Iran Air
IS ISA Island Airlines (USA) Island
IT KFR Kingfisher Airlines (India) Kingfisher
IW WON Wings Abadi Air (Indonesia) Wings Abadi
IX AXB Air India Express (India) Express India
IY IYE Yemenia (Yemen) Yemeni
IZ AIZ Arkia (Israel) Arkia
J2 AHC AZAL Avia Cargo (Azerbaijan) Azalaviacargo
J2 AHY AZAL Azerbaijan Airlines/AHY (Azerbaijan) Azal
J3 PLR Northwestern Air (Canada) Polaris
J4 BFL Buffalo Airways (Canada) Buffalo Airways
J5 EPA Shenzhen Donghai Airlines (China) Donghai Air
J6 ARW Jamaica Air Shuttle (Jamaica) Jamaica Shuttle
J6 VCR Cruiser Linhas Aereas (Brazil) Voe Cruiser
J7 CVC Centre-Avia Airlines (Russia) Aviacentre
J7 DNM Denim Air (Netherlands) Denim
J8 BVT Berjaya Air (Malaysia) Berjaya
J9 JZR Jazeera Airways (Kuwait) Jazeera
JA BON B & H Airlines (Bosnia-Herzegovina) BH Airlines
JA JGN Jagson Airlines (India)
JB JBA Helijet International (Canada) Helijet
JC JEX JAL Express (Japan) Janex
JE MNO Mango (South Africa) Tulca
JF LAB LAB Flying Service (USA) Lab
JH FDA Fuji Dream Airlines (Japan) Fuji Dream
JI JAE Jade Cargo International (China) Jade Cargo
JJ AGX Aviogenex (Serbia) Genex
JJ TAM TAM Linhas Aereas (Brazil) Tam
JL JAL Japan Airlines (Japan) Japan Air
JO JAZ JALWays (Japan) Jalways
JP ADR Adria Airways (Slovenia) Adria
JQ JST Jetstar Airways (Australia) Jetstar
JQ LAV AlbaStar (Spain) Alba Star
JR JOY Joy Air (China) Joy Air
JS KOR Air Koryo (Korea – Dem. People’s Rep.) Air Koryo
JT LNI Lion Airlines/Lion Mentari Air (Indonesia) Lion Inter
JU JAT Jat Airways (Serbia) Jat
JV BLS Bearskin Airlines (Canada) Bearskin
JW APW Arrow Cargo (USA) Big A
JX JEC Jett8 Airlines Cargo (Singapore) Taipan
JZ IWY Air Turks and Caicos (Turks and Caicos Islands) Islandways
K2 ELO EuroLOT (Poland) Eurolot
K4 CKS Kalitta Air (USA) Connie
K5 ABE Aban Air (Iran) Aban
K5 SQH Wings of Alaska/SeaPort Airlines (USA) Sasquach
K6 KHV Cambodia Angkor Air (Cambodia) Cambodia Air
K8 ZAK Zambia Skyways (Zambia) Zambia Skies
K9 ESD Esen Air (Kyrgyzstan) Esen Air
K9 KFS Kalitta Charters (USA) Kalitta
K9 KRI Krylo Aviakompania (Russia) Krilo
K9 TSP TonleSlap Airlines (Cambodia) Tonleslap Air
KA HDA Dragonair/Hong Kong Dragon Airlines (Hong Kong) Dragon
KB DRK Druk Air (Bhutan) Royal Bhutan
KC KZR Air Astana (Kazakhstan) Astana Line
KE KAL Korean Air (Korea – Rep. of) Korean Air
KF BLF Blue1 (Finland) Bluefin
KG GTV Aerogaviota (Cuba) Gaviota
KH AAH Aloha Air Cargo (USA) Aloha
KK KKK AtlasJet (Turkey) Atlasjet
KL KLM KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (Netherlands) KLM
KM AMC Air Malta (Malta) Air Malta
KN CUA China United Airlines (China) Lianhang
KO AER Alaska Central Express (USA) Ace Air
KO QNK Kabo Air (Nigeria) Kabo
KQ KQA Kenya Airways (Kenya) Kenya
KR KMZ Comores Aviation (Comoros)
KS PEN Penair/Peninsula Airways (USA) Peninsula
KU KAC Kuwait Airways (Kuwait) Kuwaiti
KW KFA Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter (Canada) Flightcraft
KX CAY Cayman Airways (Cayman Islands) Cayman
KZ NCA Nippon Cargo Airlines (Japan) Nippon Cargo
L2 LYC Lynden Air Cargo (USA) Lynden
L3 JOS DHL de Guatemala (Guatemala)
L5 LTR Lufttransport (Norway) Lufttransport
L6 MAI Mauritanian Airlines International (Mauritania)
L6 VNZ TAM Air/Tbilaviamsheni (Georgia) Tbilavia
L7 LHS Lugansk Airlines (Ukraine) Enterprise Luhansk
LA LAN LAN Airlines (Chile) Lan Chile
LC LOG Loganair (United Kingdom) Logan
LD AHK Air Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Air Hong Kong
LD TUY Linea Turistica Aerotuy (Venezuela) Aereotuy
LG LGL Luxair (Luxembourg) Luxair
LH DLH Lufthansa (Germany) Lufthansa
LH GEC Lufthansa Cargo (Germany) Lufthansa Cargo
LI LIA LIAT (Antigua and Barbuda) Liat
LJ JNA Jin Air (Korea – Rep. of) Jin Air
LJ SLA Sierra National Airlines (Sierra Leone) Selair
LL BSK Miami Air International (USA) Biscayne
LM LVG Livingston Compagnia Aerea (Italy) Livingston
LN LAA Lybian Arab Airlines (Libya) Libair
LO LOT LOT Polish Airlines (Poland) Pollot
LP LPE LAN Peru (Peru) Patagonia
LQ LAQ Lebanese Air Transport (Lebanon) Lat
LR LRC Lacsa (Costa Rica) Lacsa
LS EXS (United Kingdom) Channex
LT LTU LTU International Airways (Germany) LTU
LU LXP Lan Express (Chile) Lan Ex
LW NMI Pacific Wings/GeorgiaSkies/New Mexico Airlines (USA) Tsunami
LX SWR Swiss International Air Lines (Switzerland) Swiss
LX SWU Swiss European Air Lines (Switzerland) Euroswiss
LY ELY El Al (Israel) El Al
LZ LBY Belle Air (Albania) Alban-Belle
M0 MNG Aero Mongolia (Mongolia) Aero Mongolia
M2 MZS Mahfooz Aviation (Gambia) Mahfooz
M3 NFA Air Norway/North Flying (Denmark) North Flying
M3 TUS ABSA Aerolinhas Brasileiras (Brazil) Turismo
M6 AJT Amerijet International (USA) Amerijet
M7 MAA MasAir (Mexico) Mas Carga
M7 MSL Marsland Aviation (Sudan) Marsland Air
M9 MSI Motor Sich Aviakompania (Ukraine) Motor Sich
MB MNB MNG Airlines (Turkey) Black Sea
MC MSC Air Cairo (Egypt)
MC RCH Air Mobility Command (USA) Reach
MD MDG Air Madagascar (Madagascar) Air Madagascar
ME MEA MEA Middle East Airlines Airliban (Lebanon) Cedar Jet
MF CXA Xiamen Airlines (China) Xiamen Air
MG MIX Midex Airlines (United Arab Emirates) Midexcargo
MH MAS Malaysia Airlines (Malaysia) Malaysian
MH MWG MASwings (Malaysia) Maswings
MI SLK SilkAir (Singapore) Silkair
MJ MLR Mihin Lanka (Sri Lanka) Mihin Lanka
MK MAU Air Mauritius (Mauritius) Air Mauritius
ML BIE Air Mediterranee (France) Mediterrannee
ML ETC ATTICO African Transport Trading and Investment Co. (Sudan) Tranattico
MM APJ Peach Aviation (Japan) Air Peach
MM MMZ euroAtlantic airways (Portugal) Euroatlantic
MM SAM SAM Sociedad Aeronautica de Medellin (Colombia) Sam
MN CAW Commercial Airlines (South Africa) Commercial
MO AUH Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight (United Arab Emirates) Sultan
MO CAV Calm Air (Canada) Calm Air
MP MPH Martinair (Netherlands) Martinair
MQ EGF American Eagle Airlines (USA) Eagle Flight
MS MSE EgyptAir Express (Egypt) Egyptair Express
MS MSR EgyptAir (Egypt) Egyptair
MT TCX Thomas Cook Airlines (United Kingdom) Kestrel
MU CES China Eastern Airlines (China) China Eastern
MW BUG Mokulele Airlines (USA) Speedbuggy
MW MYD Maya Island Air (Belize) Myland
MY MWA Midwest Airlines (Egypt)
MZ MNA Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Indonesia) Merpati
N2 QNK Kabo Air (Nigeria) Kabo
N4 NWS Nordwind Airlines (Russia) Nordland
N4 TNB Trans Air Benin (Benin) Trans Benin
N5 MDM Medavia (Malta) Medavia
N5 SGY Skagway Air Service (USA) Skagway Air
N8 MUA National Airlines (USA) Murray Air
N9 NVD Avion Express (Lithuania) Norvind
NA NAO North American Airlines (USA) North American
NC NAC Northern Air Cargo (USA) Yukon
NC NJS Cobham Aviation Services Australia (Australia) National Jet
NE NMA Nesma Airlines (Egypt) Nesma
NF AVN Air Vanuatu (Vanuatu) Air Van
NG LDA Lauda Air (Austria) Lauda Air
NH ANA ANA All-Nippon Airways (Japan) All Nippon
NI PGA Portugalia (Portugal) Portugalia
NK NKS Spirit Airlines (USA) Spirit Wings
NL SAI Shaheen Air International (Pakistan) Shaheen Air
NM NZM Mount Cook Airline (New Zealand) Mount Cook
NN MOV VIM Airlines (Russia) Mov Air
NO NOS Neos (Italy) Moonflower
NP NIA Nile Air (Egypt) Nile Bird
NP SKP Skytrans Airlines (Australia) Skytrans
NQ AJX Air Japan (Japan) Air Japan
NS HBH Hebei Airlines (China) Hebei Air
NT IBB Binter Canarias (Spain) Binter
NU JTA Japan Transocean Air (Japan) Jai Ocean
NX AMU Air Macau (Macau) Air Macao
NY FNA Air Iceland/Flugfelag Islands (Iceland) Faxi
NZ ANZ Air New Zealand (New Zealand) New Zealand
NZ AWK Airwork (New Zealand) Airwork
NZ RLK Air Nelson (New Zealand) Link
O2 JEA OLT Jetair (Poland) Jeta
O4 ABV Antrak Air (Ghana) Antrak
O6 ONE Avianca Brazil (Brazil) Oceanair
O9 NOV Nova Airline (Sudan) Novanile
OA OAL Olympic Air (Greece) Olympic
OB BOV Boliviana de Aviacion (Bolivia)
OC OAV Omni Aviacao e Tecnologia/PGA Express (Portugal) Omni
OF ENT Enter Air (Poland) Enterair
OF TML Transports et Travaux Aeriens de Madagascar (Madagascar) Tam Airline
OH COM Comair (USA) Comair
OJ OLA Overland Airways (Nigeria) Overland
OK CSA Czech Airlines (Czech Rep.) CSA Lines
OL OLT OLT Ostfriesische Lufttransport (Germany) Oltra
OM MGL MIAT Mongolian Airlines (Mongolia) Mongol Air
ON RON Our Airline (Nauru)
OO SKW Skywest Airlines (USA) Skywest
OQ CQN Chongqing Airlines (China) Chong Qing
OR CRF Krym (Ukraine) Crimea Air
OR TFL Arkefly (Netherlands) Arkefly
OS AUA Austrian Airlines (Austria) Austrian
OT PEL Aeropelican Air Services (Australia)
OU CTN Croatia Airlines (Croatia) Croatia
OV ELL Estonian Air (Estonia) Estonian
OW EXK Executive Airlines (USA) Executive Eagle
OX OEA Orient Thai Airlines (Thailand) Orient Thai
OY ANS Andes Lineas Aereas (Argentina) Aeroandes
OY OAE Omni Air Express/Omni Air International (USA) Omni Express
OZ AAR Asiana Airlines (Korea – Rep. of) Asiana
P0 PFZ Proflight Commuter Services (Zambia) Proflight Zambia
P2 XAK Airkenya Express (Kenya) Sunexpress
P3 PTB Passaredo Transportes Aereos (Brazil) Passaredo
P4 NSO Aerolineas Sosa (Honduras) Sosa
P5 RPB Copa Airlines Colombia (Colombia) Aerorepublica
P6 MUI Trans Air (USA) Maui
P7 ESL Russian Sky Airlines (Russia) Raduga
P8 PTN Pantanal Linhas Aereas Sul-Matogrossenses (Brazil) Pantanal
P9 PVN Peruvian Airlines (Peru) Peruvian
PA FCL Florida Coastal Airlines (USA) Florida Coastal
PB SPR Provincial Airlines (Canada) Speedair
PC PGT Pegasus Airlines (Turkey) Sun Turk
PD POE Porter Airlines (Canada) Porter
PE PEV People’s Viennaline/Altenrhein Luftfahrt (Austria) Peoples
PF PNW Palestinian Airlines (Palestinian Territory) Palestinian
PG BKP Bangkok Airways (Thailand) Bangkok Air
PH PAO Polynesian Airlines (Samoa) Polynesian
PJ SPM Air Saint-Pierre (St. Pierre and Miquelon) Saint-Pierre
PK PIA Pakistan International Airlines (Pakistan) Pakistan
PL ASE Airstars (Russia) Morozov
PM TOS Tropic Air (Belize) Tropiser
PN CHB China West Air (China) West China
PO PAC Polar Air Cargo (USA) Polar
PP PJS Jet Aviation Business Jets (Switzerland) Jet Aviation
PQ TFK Transafrik International (Sao Tome and Principe)
PR PAL Philippine Airlines (Philippines) Philippine
PS AUI Ukraine International Airlines (Ukraine) Ukraine International
PT CCI Capital Cargo International Airlines (USA) Cappy
PT SWN West Air Sweden (Sweden) Air Sweden
PV PNR PAN Air Lineas Aereas (Spain) Skyjet
PW PRF Precision Air Services (Tanzania) Precision Air
PX ANG Air Niugini (Papua New Guinea) Niugini
PY SLM Surinam Airways (Suriname) Surinam
PZ LAP TAM Airlines/Transportes Aereos del Mercosur (Paraguay) Paraguaya
Q2 DQA Maldivian/Island Aviation Services (Maldives) Island Aviation
Q5 MLA 40-Mile Air (USA) Mile Air
Q6 CDP Aero Condor (Peru) Condor Peru
Q8 PEC Pacific East Asia Cargo Airlines (Philippines) Pac-East Cargo
Q8 TSG Trans Air Congo (Congo) Trans Congo
QA CIM Cimber (Denmark) Cimber
QB GFG SkyGeorgia (Georgia) National
QD QCL Air Class Lineas Aereas (Uruguay) Acla
QF EAQ Eastern Australia Airlines (Australia) Eastern
QF QFA Qantas Airways (Australia) Qantas
QF QLK QantasLink (Australia) Q Link
QF QNZ JetConnect (New Zealand) Qantas JetConnect
QF SSQ Sunstate Airlines (Australia) Sunstate
QH LYN Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan) Altyn Avia
QK JZA Jazz Aviation/Air Canada Express (Canada) Jazz
QL LER LASER Linea Aerea de Servicio Ejecutivo Regional (Venezuela) Laser
QL RNL Aero Lanka/Serendib Express (Sri Lanka) Aero Lanka
QM AML Air Malawi (Malawi) Malawi
QN ARR Air Armenia (Armenia) Air Armenia
QQ UTY Alliance Airlines (Australia) Unity
QR QTR Qatar Airways (Qatar) Qatari
QS TVS Travel Service/Smart Wings (Czech Rep.) Skytravel
QT TPA TAMPA Transportes Aereos Mercantiles Panamericanos (Colombia) Tampa
QU UGX East African Airlines (Uganda) Crane
QU UTN UTair-Ukraine (Ukraine) UT Ukraine
QV LAO Lao Airlines (Laos) Lao
QW TCI Turks Air Cargo (Turks and Caicos Islands) Kerrmont
QX QXE Horizon Air (USA) Horizon Air
QY BCS European Air Transport (Belgium) Eurotrans
QZ AWQ Indonesia AirAsia (Indonesia) Wagon Air
R0 RPK Royal Airlines (Pakistan) Royal Pakistan
R2 ORB Orenair/Orenburg Airlines (Russia) Orenburg
R3 SYL Yakutia Airlines (Russia) Air Yakutia
R5 JAV Jordan Aviation (Jordan) Jordan Aviation
R6 DNU DOT LT/Danu Oro Transportas (Lithuania) Danu
R7 OCA Aserca Airlines (Venezuela) Arosca
R9 CAM Camai Air/Village Aviation (USA) Air Camai
R9 TSD TAF Linhas Aereas (Brazil) Tafi
RA RNA Nepal Airlines (Nepal) Nepal
RB SYR Syrian Arab Airlines (Syrian Arab Rep.) Syrianair
RC FLI Atlantic Airways (Faroe Islands) Faroeline
RD RYN Ryan International Airlines (USA) Ryan International
RE REA Aer Arann (Ireland) Aer Arann
RF FWL Florida West International Airways (USA) Flo West
RH RPH RPX Airlines/Republic Express Airlines (Indonesia) Public Express
RJ RJA Royal Jordanian (Jordan) Jordanian
RL RIO Rio Linhas Aereas (Brazil) Rio Linhas
RO ROT Tarom Romanian Air Transport (Romania) Tarom
RP CHQ Chautauqua Airlines (USA) Chautauqua
RQ KMF Kam Air (Afghanistan) Kamgar
RR RFR Royal Air Force (United Kingdom) Rafair (+ various others)
RS ORF Oman Royal Flight (Oman) Oman
RS SKV Sky Regional Airlines/Air Canada Express (Canada) Sky Regional
RT RKM RAK Airways (United Arab Emirates) Rakair
RU ABW AirBridge Cargo Airlines (Russia) Airbridge Cargo
RV CPN Caspian Airlines Service Company (Iran) Caspian
RW RPA Republic Airlines (USA) Brickyard
RZ LRS SANSA Servicios Aereos Nacionales SA (Costa Rica)
S3 BBR Santa Barbara Airlines (Venezuela) Santa Barbara
S4 RZO Sata International (Portugal) Air Azores
S5 TCF Shuttle America (USA) Mercury
S6 SRR Star Air (Denmark) White Star
S7 SBI S7 Airlines/Siberia Airlines (Russia) Siberian Airlines
S8 SWW Shovkoviy Shlyah Airlines (Ukraine) Way Aero
S9 IKM Starbow Airlines (Ghana) Easy Shuttle
SA SAA South African Airways (South Africa) Springbok
SB ACI Aircalin/Air Caledonie International (New Caledonia) Aircalin
SC CDG Shandong Airlines (China) Shandong
SD SUD Sudan Airways (Sudan) Sudanair
SE XLF XL Airways France (France) Starway
SF DTH Tassili Airlines (Algeria) Tassili Air
SG SEJ SpiceJet (India) SpiceJet
SI AWS Arab Wings (Jordan) Arab Wings
SI BCI Blue Islands (United Kingdom) Blue Island
SI SPA Sierra Pacific Airlines (USA) Sierra Pacific
SJ CGL Seagle Air (Slovakia) Seagle
SK SAS SAS Scandinavian Airlines System (Denmark/Norway/Sweden) Scandinavian
SM MNP Spirit of Manila Airlines (Philippines) Manila Sky
SN BEL Brussels Airlines (Belgium) Bee Line
SO HKA Superior Aviation (USA) Spend Air
SO SLC SALSA d’Haiti (Haiti) Salsa
SP SAT SATA Air Acores (Portugal) Sata
SQ SIA Singapore Airlines (Singapore) Singapore
SQ SQC Singapore Airlines Cargo (Singapore) Singcargo
SS CRL Corsairfly (France) Corsair
ST GMI Germania (Germany) Germania
SU AFL Aeroflot Russian Airlines (Russia) Aeroflot
SV SVA Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudi Arabia) Saudia
SW NMB Air Namibia (Namibia) Namibia
SY SCX Sun Country Airlines (USA) Sun Country
T0 TPU Taca Peru (Peru) Trans Peru
T2 TMA Trans Mediterranean Airways (Lebanon) Tango Lima
T3 EZE Eastern Airways (United Kingdom) East Flight
T4 TIB TRIP Linhas Aereas (Brazil) Trip
T5 TUA Turkmenistan Airlines (Turkmenistan) Turkmenistan
T6 TVR Tavrey Airlines/Tavria Aviakompania (Ukraine) Travey
T7 TJT Twin Jet (France) Twinjet
TA TAI Taca International Airlines (El Salvador) Taca
TB JAF Jetairfly (Belgium) Beauty
TC ATC Air Tanzania (Tanzania) Tanzania
TD LUR Atlantis European Airways (Armenia)
TF SCW Malmo Aviation (Sweden) Scanwing
TG THA Thai Airways International (Thailand) Thai
TH TSE Transmile Air Services (Malaysia) Transmile
TI TOL TolAir Services (Puerto Rico) Tol Air
TK AJA AnadoluJet (Turkey) Anadolujet
TK THY Turkish Airlines (Turkey) Turk Air
TL ANO Airnorth Regional (Australia) Top End
TM LAM LAM (Mozambique) Mozambique
TN THT Air Tahiti Nui (French Polynesia) Tahiti Lines
TO TVF Transavia France (France) France Soleil
TP TAP TAP Portugal (Portugal) Air Portugal
TQ TDM Tandem Aereo (Moldova) Tandem
TR TGW Tiger Airways (Singapore) Go Cat
TS TSC Air Transat (Canada) Transat
TT TGW Tiger Airways Australia (Australia) Go Cat
TU TAR Tunisair (Tunisia) Tunair
TV TBA Tibet Airlines (China) Tibet
TX FWI Air Caraibes (Guadeloupe/Martinique) French West
TY TPC Air Caledonie (New Caledonia) Air Cal
TZ TWG Air-taxi europe (Germany) Twin-Goose
U2 EZY easyJet (United Kingdom) Easy
U3 AIA Avies (Estonia) Avies
U6 SVR Ural Airlines (Russia) Sverdlovsk Air
U7 UGA Air Uganda (Uganda) Uganda
U8 RNV Armavia (Armenia) Armavia
U9 KAZ Tatarstan Airlines (Russia) Air Tatarstan
UA UAL United Airlines (USA) United
UB UBA Myanma Airways (Myanmar) Unionair
UC LCO LAN Cargo (Chile) Lan Cargo
UD HER Hex’Air (France) Hex Airline
UE NAS Nasair (Eritrea) Nasairways
UF UKM UM Air/Ukrainian Mediterranean Airlines (Ukraine) Ukraine Mediterrannee
UG SEN Sevenair (Tunisia) Sevenair
UJ GMT Magnicharters (Mexico) Grupo Monterrey
UJ LMU AlMasria Universal Airlines (Egypt) Almasria
UL ALK SriLankan Airlines (Sri Lanka) Sri Lankan
UN TSO Transaero Airlines (Russia) Trans Soviet
UO HKE Hong Kong Express (Hong Kong) Hongkong Shuttle
UP BHS Bahamasair (Bahamas) Bahamas
UR KMV UTair Express (Russia) Kominter
US AWE US Airways (USA) Cactus
US JIA PSA Airlines (USA) Blue Streak
US PDT Piedmont Airlines (USA) Piedmont
UT UTA UTair Aviation (Russia) Utair
UU REU Air Austral (Reunion Island) Reunion
UW UTP Uni-Top Airlines (China) Uni-Top
UX AEA Air Europa (Spain) Europa
UZ BRQ Buraq Air Transport (Libya) Buraq Air
V0 VCV Conviasa (Venezuela) Conviasa
V2 RBY Vision Airlines (USA) Ruby
V3 KRP Carpatair (Romania) Carpatair
V4 VEC Vensecar Internacional (Venezuela) Vensecar
V5 VPA Danube Wings (Slovakia) VIP Taxi
V6 VOG Voyager Airlines (Bangladesh) Voyager Air
V8 TPS TAPSA Transportes Aereos Petroleros SA (Argentina) Tapsa
V8 VAS ATRAN Aviatrans Cargo Airlines (Russia) Atran
VA VAU Virgin Australia International Airlines (Australia) Vee Oz
VB VIV Viva Aerobus (Mexico) Aeroenlaces
VC VAL Voyageur Airways (Canada) Voyageur
VD KPA Henan Airlines (China) Kun Peng
VD VJC VietJet Air (Vietnam) Vietjetair
VF VLU Valuair (Singapore) Value
VG VLM VLM (Belgium) Rubens
VH ALV Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela (Venezuela) Alven
VI VDA Volga-Dnepr Airlines (Russia) Volda Dnepr
VI VES Vieques Air Link (Puerto Rico) Vieques
VL VIM Air VIA Bulgarian Airways (Bulgaria) Via Airways
VN HVN Vietnam Airlines (Vietnam) Vietnam Airlines
VO TYR Tyrolean Airways/Austrian Arrows (Austria) Tyrolean
VQ VKH Fly Hellas (Greece) Delphi
VR TCV TACV Cabo Verde Airlines (Cape Verde) Cabo Verde
VS VIR Virgin Atlantic Airways (United Kingdom) Virgin
VT VTA Air Tahiti (French Polynesia) Air Tahiti
VV AEW Aerosvit/Aerosweet Airlines (Ukraine) Aerosvit
VW TAO Transportes Aeromar (Mexico) Trans Aeromar
VX VRD Virgin America (USA) Redwood
VY VLG Vueling Airlines (Spain) Vueling
W1 WDL WDL Aviation (Germany) WDL
W2 WEA White Eagle Aviation (Poland) White Eagle
W3 ARA Arik Air (Nigeria) Arik Air
W3 DNU Danu Oro Transportas (Lithuania) Danu
W3 SWT Swiftair (Spain) Swift
W4 BES Aero Services Executive (France) Bird Express
W5 IRM Mahan Air (Iran) Mahan Air
W6 WZZ Wizz Air (Hungary) Wizz Air
W8 CJT CargoJet Airways (Canada) Cargojet
W9 JAB Air Bagan (Myanmar) Air Bagan
WA KLC KLM Cityhopper (Netherlands) City
WB RWD Rwandair Express (Rwanda) Rwandair
WC ISV Islena Airlines (Honduras)
WE CWC Centurion Air Cargo (USA) Challenge Cargo
WF WIF Wideroe Flyveselskap (Norway) Wideroe
WG SWG Sunwing Airlines (Canada) Sunwing
WI TDX TradeWinds Airlines (USA) Tradewinds Express
WJ LAL Air Labrador (Canada) Lab Air
WK EDW Edelweiss Air (Switzerland) Edelweiss
WM WIA Winair/Windward Islands Airways (Sint Maarten) Windward
WN SWA Southwest Airlines (USA) Southwest
WO WOA World Airways (USA) World
WP MKU Island Air (USA) Moku
WQ RMV Romavia/Romanian Aviation Company (Romania) Aeromavia
WS WJA WestJet (Canada) Westjet
WT WSG Wasaya Airways (Canada) Wasaya
WX BCY CityJet (Ireland) City Ireland
WY OMA Oman Air (Oman) Oman Air
WZ MDJ Jetran Air (Romania) Jetran Air
WZ VAZ Red Wings Airlines (Russia) Remont Air
X3 TUI TUIfly (Germany) TUI Jet
X8 DAP Aerovias DAP (Chile) Dap
X9 KHO Khors Aircompany (Ukraine) Aircompany Khors
XA XAA ARINC/Aeronautical Radio Inc. (USA)
XB IAT IATA/International Air Transport Association (Canada)
XC KDC KD Air (Canada) Kay Dee
XE BTA ExpressJet Airlines (USA) Jet Link
XF VLK Vladivostok Air (Russia) Vladair
XH KHH Alexandria Airlines (Egypt)
XH XXH Special Ground Handling Service (USA)
XI XXI AEROTEL/Aeronautical Telecommunications (Jamaica)
XJ MES Mesaba Airlines (USA) Mesaba
XK CCM CCM Airlines/Compagnie Corse Mediterrannee (France) Corsica
XL LNE LAN Ecuador (Ecuador) Lan Ecuador
XM JLJ J-Air (Japan) J-Air
XM JTE JetEx/Australian Air Express (Australia) JetEx
XN XAR Xpress Air (Indonesia) Travel Express
XQ SXS SunExpress (Turkey) Sun Express
XR OZW SkyWest Airlines (Australia) Ozwest
XS SIT SITA (Belgium)
XT SKT Sky Star Airways (Thailand) Sky You
XU AXK African Express Airways (Kenya) Express Jet
XY KNE Nas Air/Al-Khayala Airline (Saudi Arabia) Nas Express
XZ EXY South African Express Airways (South Africa) Expresswayx
Y4 VOI Volaris (Mexico) Volaris
Y5 AWA Asia Wings (Kazakhstan) Asia Wings
Y7 TYA Taimyr Air Company (Russia) Taimyr
Y8 YZR Yangtze River Express Airlines (China) Yangtze River
Y9 IRK Kish Air (Iran) Kishair
YC LLM Yamal Airlines (Russia) Yamal
YE IRY Eram Air (Iran) Eram Air
YF CFC Canadian Armed Forces (Canada) Canforce
YG OTL South Airlines (Ukraine) Southline
YI RSI Air Sunshine (USA) Air Sunshine
YJ NTN National Airways (South Africa) Natchair
YL BSA Air Bissau International (Guinea-Bissau) Bissau International
YM MGX Montenegro Airlines (Montenegro) Montair
YN CRQ Air Creebec (Canada) Cree
YO MCM Heli Air Monaco (Monaco) Heli Air
YQ POT Polet Cargo Airlines (Russia) Polet
YR EGJ Scenic Airlines (USA) Scenic
YS RAE Regional Compagnie Aerienne Europeenne (France) Regional Europe
YV ASH Mesa Airlines/go! (USA) Air Shuttle
YW ANE Air Nostrum (Spain) Nostrum Air
Z2 EZD Zest Airways (Philippines) Asian Spirit
Z3 SMJ Avient Aviation (Zimbabwe) Avavia
Z5 GMG GMG Airlines (Bangladesh) GMG
Z6 UDN Dnieproavia (Ukraine) Dniepro
Z8 AZN Linea Aerea Amaszonas (Bolivia) Amaszonas
Z8 MTZ Mali Airways (Mali) Mali Airways
Z9 DCP Delta Connection Kenya (Kenya) Nilecat
ZB MON Monarch Airlines (United Kingdom) Monarch
ZD FDN Dolphin Air (United Arab Emirates) Flying Dolphin
ZE AZE Arcus-Air Logistics (Germany) Arcus Air
ZE ESR Eastar Jet (Korea – Rep. of) Eastar
ZH CSZ Shenzhen Airlines (China) Shenzhen Air
ZI AAF Aigle Azur (France) Aigle Azur
ZJ ARC Air Routing International (USA)
ZK GLA Great Lakes Aviation (USA) Lakes Air
ZL RXA Regional Express (Australia) Rex
ZM CNB CityLine Hungary (Hungary) Cityhun
ZN NAY NAYSA Navegacion y Servicios Aereos Canarios (Spain) Naysa
ZP AZQ Silk Way Airlines (Azerbaijan) Silk Line
ZQ LOC Locair (USA) Locair
ZR AZS Aviacon Zitotrans (Russia) Zitotrans
ZT AWC Titan Airways (United Kingdom) Zap
ZU BBT Air Bashkortostan (Russia) Agydal
ZW AWI Air Wisconsin (USA) Air Wisconsin
ZX GGN Air Georgian/Air Alliance (Canada) Georgian
ZY EZA Eznis Airways (Mongolia) Eznis


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